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Yard Waste Area

DuBoistown Borough has an agreement with South Williamsport Borough that allows residents of DuBoistown borough to utilize their mulch area. 

NOTICE: There will be no more keys or one day passes located in the DuBoistown Borough Office. All Residents from DuBoistown Borough will need to visit the South Williamsport Borough Office to complete form for access pass. 



Rules For Mulch Pile Use 


  1. This area is reserved for residents of South Williamsport and DuBoistown Boroughs. 

  2. Recyclable items include trees and trimmings, brush and shrubs, garden plantings, grass clippings and leaves. 

  3. Dirt/fill is not accepted. 

  4. Do not leave plastic bags or containers. 

  5. Do not block the road when loading or unloading. 

  6. Do not disturb Borough equipment or materials. 


Mulch Area Gate Key Card Rules 


  1. Key cards are non-transferable and cannot be used by anyone other than the household members listed on the registarion form. 

  2. Key cards are to be used for yard waste from the property listed on the registration form. 

  3. Only vehicles and trailers listed on the registration form are permitted in the mulch area. 

  4. Key card registration must be updated with any changes such as adding/removing a person adding/removing vehicle or trailer, address changes. 

  5. Key cards will need to be renewed yearly prior to January 31st. Fees will not be prorated. 

  6. No daily keys will be available. 


Application Registration Requirements and Fees for Gate Keys

(Residents from DuBoistown will need to go the South Williamsport Borough Building located at 329 West Southern Ave, South Williamsport PA 17702)


  1. Copy of driver's license

  2. Vehicle make, model and license plate number 

  3. $15 yearly card activation fee per household

  4. $15 replacement/reactivation fee for lost cards 

  5. $25 reinstatement fee for individuals caught lending their card to others with privileges revoked for 30 days

  6. $1,500 commercial resident fee per business per year 

  7. $2,500 commercial non-resident fee per business per year








Take a Closer Look

DuBoistown Borough


DuBoistown Borough 

2651 Euclid Ave 

DuBoistown, PA 17702




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